Thursday, April 4, 2024

20 Days of Vengeance Trail - Countdown to Memphis Premiere on April 23!

Today, I created a 300dpi 11"x17" poster for the event, and sent it to 901 Print Shop, which was recommended by Rex Oatis of OTS Films who's been advising me generously. Rates were 50 for $100 and 100 for $160. I decided to print 100 and if I don't use them all, I can cut out the middle image and have a smaller poster to giveaway, or maybe sell, at the screening. 

I had hoped to accomplish more today, but I had several meetings that ran long. It is enough for one day.

Ian Max

P.S. Part of the reason I'm posting names and places is, to give others a starting point but also to create an FAQ so that on my next movie I can pay someone to go through this blog and do it better. If it's helpful to you, I'd love to hear.

1 comment:

  1. I'm finding this helpful, Ian. When you're on the other side of it, you could turn it into a mini-ebook to sell on Amazon for a couple bucks. A Step-By-Step Guide to Four-Walling Your Indie Film. (You'd probably come up with a better title). All that to say, I'm learning a lot from you!


Juggling a New Ball that's Not So New! Now that the extreme push for Vengaence Trail's theatrical premiere is over, not that there a...