Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Juggling a New Ball that's Not So New!

Now that the extreme push for Vengaence Trail's theatrical premiere is over, not that there aren't tons to do to continue to promote it, another project in development has percolated to the top, again. 

PREY FOR MASON is a teen thriller feature that Brandon Riley and I have been developing for years. A year ago, we signed with LOOR.TV and last September I shot a proof-of-concept short version called "Pray v Prey." Yesterday, a teaser for "Pray v Prey" launched on LOOR TV to earn finishing funds.

LOOR TV is a gamified, streaming and crowdfunding technology for non-woke movies. They are the punk rock of faith-adjacent indie film, something I call Edgy Faith. The creators at Loor are somewhat anarchistic and nomadic, film producers without a home. Subscribers exchange their cash for Loot and choose which projects rise to the top. The quality is excellent!

As you can see from a cast and crew clip from set, we had a lot of fun making it. 

And, as you can see from the table read, those actors loved the feature film screenplay.

Ian Max

Monday, April 29, 2024


April 23 was a banner day. Check out the photos from the Red Carpet.

And credit where credit is due:

And here's the banner. Follow the QR code to see what all the images are about:

What did I learn?

  • Ask for help. Memphians are generous people.
  • Form a brainstorm group of people who have host film events, to learn what I don't know.
  • Anticipate people leaving before the credits finish, and get their exit interviews on video.
  • Consistency. One event is a loss leader. Many events and movies is a career.
What did I do right?
  • I made sure everyone had fun. 
  • I gave the star actor/producer, Keven Russell McCaulley & wife Rhonda the VIP treatment.
  • I invited everyone to walk the Red Carpet and take pictures with me.
  • I focused on audience interaction with the Bingo Cards, the photos and video, and the Q&A.
  • I also had fun.

What's next for Vengeance Trail? 

  • Send pictures from the red carpet to each attendee. Done tonight.
  • Fix some lip sync issues I noticed, especially when Sheriff Emery interviews the Gilkey Brothers.
  • Gather all the stunt people on Zoom and talk shop for BTS video.
  • Launch the soundtrack on Spotify.
  • Design DVD and Blu-Ray art and menus for to print on demand.
What's next for Eyre Films?
  • Prey for Mason funding/streaming on Loor.TV drops this week.
  • Writers group expects pages for a new monster comedy.
  • Write a long-overdue newsletter.
Good night!
Ian Max

Monday, April 22, 2024


(Day T-1 Count Down to Worldwide Theatrical Premiere on April 23!)

Tomorrow's screening will be a chance for our audience to meet one of the stars, Keven Russell McCaulley. Not only is Keven one of the initiators, financiers and historians of Vengeance Trail, he also played the bounty hunter/hitman Garvey. Come out and hear more from Keven tomorrow evening! 

Here's a clip from today's test screening at the theater (Keven Russell McCaulley as Garvey, Garrett W. Roberts as Jack the Barkeep, Jeff Dolan as Sheriff Emery):

As a former law-enforcement officer from California, and an equestrian and historian, Keven brings authenticity to his roles. Acting has been a hobby of Keven's since 1992. You can find his work on IMDB as Keven Russell and as Keven McCaulley. Stay tuned, because now that he's retired, Keven has been auditioning lately.

And when Vengeance Trail makes its money back, Keven would love to make more movies.

Hope to see many of y'all tomorrow!

Ian Max

Sunday, April 21, 2024


(Day T-2 Count Down to Worldwide Theatrical Premiere on April 23!)

It's fun meeting new people. And, I've never being invited onto a talk show. The last three days saw me on two shows!

On Thursday, I had the pleasure of being on the Couch Convo With Coach Karla Show. I met Karla Lewis last Sunday at the premiere of "5th Step" in Memphis. She invited me on her show the same week so that Vengeance Trail could benefit from being introduced to her crowd. If you saw the show, I started off with a groggy throat, but I soon warmed up to Karla's prepared questions and interaction. Thank you Karla!

Then today, I expanded on my burgeoning experience as a talk show guest, on The YAMS Show with Anfra Boyd. I didn't see myself on the screen yet, so I warmed up my voice real quick. Haha, that was a fun way to break the ice. Anfra Zoomed in with Stephen McCurry, the director and editor or Vengeance Trail. We had a great discussion about the movie and indie filmmaking. Thank you, Anfra!

Feels like the people who do come to the screening in two days will bring a lot of enthusiasm!

Ian Max

Saturday, April 20, 2024


(Day T-3 Count Down to Worldwide Theatrical Premiere on April 23!)

I can't keep up! People are responding on social media. A second review came in. And, Thursday's talk show was rehearsal for Sunday's talk show! Now, to incentivize more ticket sales.

I really love what Film Threat wrote. They understand the limitations and intent of the original movie, and appreciate it for what what it is, a fairy traditional, old-style morality tale. 

Tomorrow evening, Memphis' Anfra Boyd will be hyping the movie, with a possible surprise guest. Tune in at 7pm Central HERE. She calls her show The YAMS (You Are My Sister) Talk Show!

Today's accomplishments:

  • Finished updating my wardrobe and my wife's wardrobe for the premiere.
  • Purchased prizes for best costume and the Bingo-style interactive movie-watching game.
  • DCP delivered and ingested successfully. I will see a test screening on Monday.

Still lots to do:

  • Automate ticket response email.
  • Incentivize my kids' high school friends to come.
  • Borrow stands for the banner.
  • Confirm all the talent for putting on the event: cellist, stills photographer, videographer team, box office.
  • Watch the test screening. Learn the system of the movie theater.
  • Start post bios of cast and crew.
  • Post social media links to all the businesses around Memphis that displayed the poster.
And after the screening:
  • BTS videos with the stunt team and animal wranglers.
  • Video from the Worldwide Theatrical Premiere.
  • DVD and BluRay authoring through Allied Vaughn.
  • At least 3 more Rotten Tomatoes reviews.
Time to rest the eyes and brain!

Ian Max

Friday, April 19, 2024

Live Music to Set the Mood on Tuesday's Theatrical Screening!

(Day T-4 Count Down to Worldwide Theatrical Premiere on April 23!)

Vengeance Trail is excited to announce that all attendees on Tuesday will be treated to the symphonic vibes of cellist Joseph Miller

Joseph Miller is a cellist and native of Memphis, TN. A recent graduate of the University of

Memphis, he is a classically trained performer and music educator who works to bring the arts to

all communities of the greater Memphis area regardless of socioeconomic status. Miller is a

member of several performing organizations such as the Jackson Symphony in Jackson,

Tennessee, the Prizm Ensemble, and Sinfonietta Memphis. His quartet Ensemble X is unique for

being the first black string quartet in the Mid-South region that specializes in highlighting and

performing music of the African American tradition.

Please some support Joseph. Purchase tickets now at!

Ian Max

Thursday, April 18, 2024

When Doubts Set In - Self Distribution is Sales.

(Day T-5 Count Down to Worldwide Theatrical Premiere on April 23!)

More people have told me they plan to come to the screening than have purchased tickets. We still have over 100 tickets to sell. I'm a creator, not a sales person, and this movie needs some favor.

Judi and I have plastered the town, within our budget. We've displayed the movie in about 60 establishments, some broad appeal, some more targeted to the movie. If each leads to 3 sales, we're golden, but they haven't yet. 

The mainstream news hasn't caught the buzz yet. Where else can I promote? I stopped at an art show and talked to the PBS news station that had a tent, so I'll pitch them tomorrow. There's so much to do, with an army of two, and gum on my shoe. Can I boost my confidence with Dr Seuss rhymes? Where's my copy of "Oh the Places You'll go?"

So, what do you all do when doubts set in? When you've poured hundreds of hours into a speculation and you have no idea if it will pay off, but you stubbornly believe in it. And it's next Tuesday!

People are starting to believe in it.

Yesterday, I got our first official Rotten Tomatoes review. Martin Carr believes in Vengeance Trail.

Tonight, I was interviewed by Karla Lewis for half an hour on her "Couch Convo with Coach Karla" on SPV TV Show. I've never done that. Thirty minutes is a long time to not scratch my nose, not clear my dry throat rudely, not get too tangled up in um's and uh's. Karla believes in Vengeance Trail.

It's easy to let a herculean effort like this become my source of significance. Don't let anything become an idol. I believe I'm doing the right thing, even if it's only to try make the investors some more return. I believe I am called to make movies, and movies are expensive to make, so this artist must learn how to feed himself and many others.

And I'm not doing this alone. But it is a walk of faith.

Ian Max

Juggling a New Ball that's Not So New! Now that the extreme push for Vengaence Trail's theatrical premiere is over, not that there a...